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Hazyview, Mpumalanga, South Africa
Induna Adventures is situated in Hazyview, right at the heart of Mpumalanga 's prime and well known tourism attractions. "It is our purpose and passion to show you that it is possible to live and experience life to the fullest!" At Induna Adventures we blend our unique energetic approach to life, with the brilliant nature given to us. We strive to create an excitement that will enhance your life, as well as all those around you!" - Team Induna.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Children's Ministry Prayer Workshop Report

Date: 6 May 2011
Venue: Petra College for children's ministry
By: Minky Makhubedu-Mashego

Four of Sizabantwana care workers attended a prayer workshop at Petra on Friday the 6 May 2011. The workshop was about teaching, training, motivating and encouraging born again children to pray for different aspects such as peace in their own families, for the salvation of friends and parents, for problems in their communities and in our country etc.

Attendants from Sizabantwana was:
- Elizabeth Mgiba
- Yvonne Mashaba
- Busisiwe Nyundu &
- Minky Makhubedu-Mashego

Speaker of the day was:
- Pastor Peter Sekhonyane from Orange farm in Gauteng together with his team.

We have learned that:
- We should make prayer the foundation of our Christian living and teach our children to do so.
- We must teach our children to be specific in prayer.
- In prayer we must expect answers
- Persistence. (Pray withour ceasing).
- Positioning of one's body when praying such as kneeling, laying down, lifting up of hands.

We were also exposed to an outreach to one of the OVC (orphans and vulnerable children) centres in Masoyi (Step in Faith children's ministry). Pastor Peter and his team demonstrated to us how to lead a group of children in Prayer and intercession.

I experienced this as very positive and important aspect of Sizabantwana's children benefit (Ministry).

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